Blog posts tagged with 'bending channel'

Curved Feather-Inspired Roof at Montana State University Campus
Curved Feather-Inspired Roof at Montana State University Campus

Albina recently rolled various material for the eagle feather-inspired roof at the American Indian Hall at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana. ThinkOne Construction Management designed a barrel-vaulted, curved, standing beam roof in the shape and color of an eagle feather. Metal roofing was specified to ensure durability and to create a non-penetrating attachment point for solar panels. The project was featured on page 37 of the October/November Issue of Metal Architecture

TS 14" X 4" X .375" WALL A500 GR B-2 pcs rolled the easy way to a 27’ -8” radius

6" X 6" X 5/16" ANGLE A36-7 pcs rolled leg out to a 92’-0” radius

4" X 4" X ½" ANGLE A36-2 pcs rolled leg out to a 107’-3” radius

Photo Credit: Jacob Teats

We also rolled the materials for the spiral staircase on this project.

MC12 X 10.6# A36

5 pcs rolled flanges out to a 67’-0” radius

4 pcs spiral rolled flanges out to a 67’-0” radius

5 pcs rolled flanges in to radii ranging from 57’-5” - 67’-5” radius

4 pcs spiral rolled flanges in to a 63’-0” radius

2" X 2" X ¼" ANGLE A36

1 pc rolled leg out to a 67’-5” radius

1 pc rolled leg in to a 67’-10” radius

Photo Credit: Jacob Teats

Curved Steel for the Freyer-Newman Center at Denvers' Botanical Gardens
Curved Steel for the Freyer-Newman Center at Denvers' Botanical Gardens

Albina bent 40,000# of steel for the Freyer-Newman Center, home to Denvers’ Botanical Gardens. Albina bent 60 pieces of W8 X 31# A992 the hard way to a full scale layout. We also bent Tube Steel 8" X 6" X .500" WALL A500 GR B the hard way and MC8 X 20# A36 the hard way. The Freyer - Newman Center is a LEED GOLD building, designed by Denver’s Davis Partnership Architects. The Center will house six classrooms; four galleries; new herbaria for vascular plants, mushrooms and slime molds; laboratories; a new library and a coffee shop, and is slated for completion this spring. Final install pictures coming soon!

Curved Steel Supports for Freyer Newman Center Denver Botanical Gardens

Freyer Newman Center Denver Botanical Gardens Curved Steel Canopy Supports
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