Spiral Stringers & Stairs
Functional and Fancy Solutions
Our Induction Heat Source and Increment Bending Method Produces Extremely Tight Spiral Bends to Industry Leading Quality Standards!
We specialize in architectural exposure quality spiraling of tube steel, channel, plate and pipe to amazingly tight radii and steep pitches. We work on both commercial and residential applications.
Handrail Kits Available: Bent and trimmed per drawing, mid-rails trimmed and coped, assemblies supplied as individual parts or fabricated complete.
In addition to staircases and stringers, we produce a number of other ornamental products such as handrails, decorative gates and fences, as well as architecturally unique and appealing signage and entry-ways for commercial, residential, recreational and transportation applications.
Spiral, Circular and Helical Staircases & Stringers
Some projects include custom spiral staircases for large retailers like Victoria Secret, Tommy Bahama, Harley Davidson, American Girl, Altered State and Mercedes Benz. Other installs at prestigious hotels such as the Allison Inn and The Vintage Plaza Hotel. Spiral and circular staircases can also be seen in many government buildings including the Capitol Visitors Center in Washington DC, the US District Court House, and the Thomas Jefferson School of Law. Our spiral stringers and staircases are on display in the lobbies of many major high-tech companies, museums, theatres and university buildings.
Click here to visit our Spiral Calculators/Technical Information.
Click here to learn more about the Bending Process Used to Create Stringers
Handrails & Handrail Kits
Handrails for commercial, recreational, transportation and residential applications. Handrail Kits Available: Bent and trimmed per drawing, mid-rails trimmed and coped, assemblies supplied as individual parts or fabricated complete. Some projects include a handrail at the famous Columbia River Gorge Vista House and a complex handrail at the Portland International Airport parking garage.