Blog posts tagged with 'SteelDay'

Do You Have Plans for SteelDay 2018?
SteelDay is just a week away on Friday, September 28th! Don’t forget to register for a SteelDay event near you at If you can't get to a physical location, AISC is offering a free webinar titled "Birth of the Steel Skyscraper". This year marks the 10th Anniversary of SteelDay, the steel industry’s largest educational and networking function of the year. If you would like to look back at some of the past webinars offered by AISC from 2011-2017, please log on to to check them out!
Steel Day 2014 This Friday, September 19th!
Steel Day is scheduled to take place this Friday September 19, 2014. Steel Day is an annual event sponsored by the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) and hosted at various member and partner locations throughout the country. Steel Day is an opportunity for professionals from various industries to learn about the benefits of using structural steel in everyday applications. Steel day is an excellent educational opportunity as well as a networking opportunity to meet people and tour facilities that play a key role in the steel industry. Visit the AISC Website for more information about events in your local area.
Steel Day 2014 Interact. Learn. Build
Steel Day is scheduled to take place on September 19, 2014. Steel Day is an annual event sponsored by the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) and hosted at various member and partner locations throughout the country. Steel Day is an opportunity for professionals from various industries to learn about the benefits of using structural steel in everyday applications. Steel day is an excellent educational opportunity as well as a networking opportunity to meet people and tour facilities that play a key role in the steel industry. Visit the AISC Website for more information about events in your local area.
Steel Day 2013 Interact. Learn. Build
Steel Day takes place on October 4, 2013. Steel Day is an annual event sponsored by the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) and hosted at various member and partner locations throughout the country. Steel Day is an opportunity for professionals from various industries to learn about the benefits of using structural steel in everyday applications. Steel day is an excellent educational opportunity as well as a networking opportunity to meet people and tour facilities that play a key role in the steel industry. Visit the AISC Website for more information about events in your local area.
Oregon Proclamation that September 28th, 2012 is SteelDay!
Governer Kitzhaber and the State of Oregon have recognized the value and importance of the structural steel industry in the Northwest with an official proclamation of September 28, 2012 as SteelDay.

SteelDay is a special once-a-year opportunity for the structural steel industry to celebrate their accomplishments and contributions that organziations associated with steel products make to their communities and to the nation. 

The proclamation states:

WHEREAS: The structural steel industry annually provides structural steel framing systems for more than one billion square feet of new building construction throughout Oregon and other states; and

WHEREAS: The structural steel industry provides employment for more than 185,000 workers in Oregon and other states; and

WHEREAS: The structural steel industry has demonstrated a significant commitment to sustainable construction through the use of structural steel products made from 93% recycled materials from old cars, appliances, stoves, manufacturing waste, curb-side recycling and deconstructed buildings; and

WHEREAS: 98% of the structural steel in a building is recycled at the end of the building's life.

NOW, THEREFORE: John A. Kitzhaber, M.D., Governer of the State of Oregon, hereby proclaim September 28, 2012 to be STEELDAY.

Albina has hosted SteelDay events in the past and will continue to do so in the future. Check back to our website every September for updates on upcoming events.
Steel Day 2009
Albina Pipe Bending is hosting a STEEL DAY 2009 Event Date: September 18, 2009 Time: 9 a.m. Event Type: Facility Tour-All Guests must be pre-registered Location: 12080 SW Myslony Street Tualatin, OR 97062 Of Interest to: Architects, Engineers, Contractors & Students Curved Steel doesn't just happen. Precision instruments and expert benders are responsible for these increasingly popular architechtural and structural elements. Attendees will learn about the various methods of bending and rolling steel shapes and develop a thorough understanding of how Albina Pipe Bending Co., Inc. fits into the structural steel supply chain. Common terms and nuances of the processess will be explained and examples provided leaving the participants with the tools to be able to specify bent steel for their projects with more confidence. All necessary safety gear will be provided, although guests are asked to bring their own safety glasses if they have them. Hard hats are not required. Attire is casual and closed toe shoes are required. Coffee and donuts will be served at this event. To register for this event: To request more details about this event, e-mail: or or Contact Albina Directly Toll-Free (866) 252-4628.
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