Oh, The Places You’ll Go- “Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away!” -Dr. Suess. I know we are all anxiously awaiting the day that we can back out on the roads, in the skies, on the rails, or whatever your preferred form of travel may be. Keep the faith and check out a few of the transportation projects we have been a part of over the years.
Curved Steel Canopy at the Portland International AirportCurved Steel Light-Rail Tracks for Bay Area Rapid TransitBent Steel Parts for Locomotive FramesCurved Steel Supports for Electric Car Charging StationsCurved Steel Fence for Portland MAX Light-rail ShelterCurved Steel Canopy for BART BerkeleyCurved Steel Sign for Billings MET Transfer StationCurved Steel Canopy for Portland Tri-Met Bus Shelter
Albina Co., Inc. bent 42,000# of curved hallow structural steel all of which will be Architecturally Exposed for the Warm Springs BART Pavilion Building expansion project located in Fremont, California. The bent structural material consisted of TS 10" X 4" X .500" WALL A500 GR B bent to a 29’ 9½” radius the easy way and TS 10" X 6" X .375" WALL A500 GR B bent to a 27’ 9½” radius the easy way.