Blog posts tagged with 'Newport Beach CIvic Center'

Curved Steel Roof Structure at Newport Beach Civic Center Wins Awards
The NCSEA (National Council of Structural Engineers Associations) awarded the Newport Beach Civic Center and Park with the “Outstanding Project Award for New Buildings Over $100 Million.” Albina Co., Inc. was the bender/roller for the iconic curved wide-flanged waved roofs that line the façade of the building. The AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction) recognized this same project as a 2014 IDEA National Award Winner in the Spring of 2014. Architect: Bohlin Cywindski Jackson Structural Engineer: Arup Fabricator: SME Steel Contractors Bender/Roller: Albina Co., Inc. 352,000# of rolled steel by Albina • W10 x 26#- 502 pcs all rolled the hardway to AESS standards. Rolled down to a 16 ft radius. • TS 3” x 3” x .250” wall- 502 pcs rolled to match the W10 x 26#. • WT 3 x 13.5#- 158 pcs split from W6 x 27# (by Albina) and rolled Stem-in and Stem-out down to a 15 ft radius. • TS 8” x 8” x .500” wall- rolled to AESS standards • TS 6” x 6” x .250” wall- rolled to AESS standards • TS 8” x 8” x .375” wall- 60 pcs rolled to AESS standards Curved Steel Newport Beach Civic Center-3 Curved Steel Newport Beach Civic Center-2 Curved Steel Newport Beach Civic Center-1
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