The Buyers Guide is published annually by the National Ornamental & Miscellaneous Metals Association (NOMMA). They Buyers Guide is now available in print and online on the
NOMMA website. Albina's ad can be see opposite the inside back cover. In the ad, we feature one of the most difficult
spiral stringer projects we have ever undertaken in the last 78 years. We recently spiral bent 20" X 18"
rectangular tube steel down to a 7'7" plan view radius and 20" x 12"
rectangular tube steel down to a 13'9" plan view radius for the Lakeside Campus in Richardson, Texas. Our
induction heat source and
increment bending method produces
extremely tight spiral bends which all met AESS standards. Check out the most recent NOMMA Buyers Guide or see the pictures below to see the bends for yourself. [caption id="attachment_907" align="aligncenter" width="225"]

Steel Spiral Stringers Installed[/caption] [caption id="attachment_909" align="aligncenter" width="225"]

Steel Spiral Stringers for Heavy Weight Bearing Spiral Staircase[/caption]