The Jan Shrem and Maria Maneeti Museum of Art at UC Davis opened in late November of 2016. Albina Co., Inc. was fortunate enough to be the designated AISC Bender/Roller on this project. Albina bent 38 lengths of tube steel 14" X 10" X .500" WALL A500 GR B and 3 lengths of tube steel 14" X 10" X .375" WALL A500 GR B for the complex project. All of the material bent the Easy Way, Hard Way and also compound bent the easy way AND hard way in the same length. The Fabricator on the project was Olsen & Co. Steel. SO-IL and Bohlin Cywinski Jackson designed a 50,000 square-foot permeable roof that covers both the site and the building. The canopy is composed of 910 triangular, honed aluminum infill beams. assembled in an intricate pattern, the structure seeks to evoke the patchwork texture and topology of the surrounding landscape. The canopy arcs as high as 34 feet on the freeway side, and dips as low as 12 feet at its front. The Museum is currently nominated for an AISC 2017 IDEAS2 Award. [caption id="attachment_1091" align="aligncenter" width="1200"]

50,000 Square Foot Permeable Roof[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1092" align="aligncenter" width="1200"]

Curved Steel Entry [/caption] [caption id="attachment_1093" align="aligncenter" width="1200"]

Overview of Curved Roof Structure[/caption]