We recently spiral bent tube steel 12" X 8" X .625" WALL A500 GR B Spiral the Easy way to a 173” radius for a customer spiral staircase located in Utah. Square and rectangular tubing is also known as HSS (hollow structural steel). Albina has the ability to bend both square and rectangular tubing. For rectangular tubing we can bend both the easy way (against the weak axis) and the hard way (against the strong axis). We can even provide Multi-Plane bending where we are bending both the easy way AND the hard way. Albina is a unique shop in that we can bend very small square materials such as TS ½” x ½” x .049” wall all of the way up to very large materials such as TS 20” x 12” x .625” wall, which happens to be the largest size that mills produce. Albina actually has a larger capacity than TS 20” x 12” x .625” wall, which means we can bend materials larger then what the mills produce!
Spiral Rolled Plate for Spiral Staircase in Multi-Million Dollar Luxury Home on Green Street in San Francisco, CA. 6" Pipe Bends for Steel Rings Displayed at Hulu Convention
Back to All Blog PostsCustom 12" x 8" HSS Spiral Stringer for Spiral Staircase in Utah
Friday, June 29, 2018
- ornamental steel
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- bending hss
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- spiral bending
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- structural steel bending profiles
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- spiral stair stringers
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- bending hss
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- spiral bending of structural steel
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- ornamental steel bending
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- square and rectangular tube bending
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- steel spiral staircase
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- curved steel staircases
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- curved steel staircases
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- structural steel bending profiles
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- spiral bending
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- specialty steel bending
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- steel spiral stringers
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- spiral stair stringers
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- spiral bending of structural steel
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- square and rectangular tube bending
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- specialty steel bending