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Curved Steel Canopy at the Calvary Chapel in Ontario, Oregon

Curved Steel Canopy at the Calvary Chapel in Ontario, Oregon

Albina recently bent various materials including tube steel, flat bar, pipe and angle for the Calvary Chapel in Ontario, Oregon. The Calvary Chapel is right on the Idaho border. Our bent material helped to create a lovely curved steel canopy for the chapel.

Materials Bent Include:

TS 10" X 3" X .375" WALL A500 GR B (7 lengths x 48 ft- bent the hard way to a 66 ft radius).

FB ½" X 4" A36 (2 lengths x 20 ft- bent the hard way to a 66 ft radius).

8" SCH40 A500 GR B (1 length x 42 ft).

TS 6" X 2" X .188" WALL A500 GR B (5 lengths x 48 ft).

1" X 1" X ¼" ANGLE A36 (6 lengths x 20 ft).