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Pumpkin Carving & Steel Bending: What Do They Have in Common?

Pumpkin Carving & Steel Bending: What Do They Have in Common?

Carving pumpkins is a family tradition in the Smith House, a tradition that started 20 years ago with one of mine and Jaime's first dates. But like most events in our household, it is not something we just do without thorough planning and preparation. We follow a strict set-up, we have our designs in mind before we start, we have all of the tools we need at hand, we tackle challenging designs, and most importantly, we have Chinese food waiting for us when we are done! But in all seriousness, the steps we go through to carve pumpkins are very similar to the ones we go through when dealing with a project involving a curved steel component.

1) Plan Ahead: Buy Your Pumpkin Shortly Before Halloween

2) Buy Your Pumpkin from a Pumpkin Patch or Supermarket

3) Select a Healthy Pumpkin Free of Nicks, Bruises and Cuts

4) Pick the Size You Need

5) Choose a Design Before You Start Carving

6) Choose a Method for Carving Your Pumpkin

7) Trace Your Design on the Pumpkin

8) Set Up a Spacious Work Area

9) Select the Right Tools

10) Remove the Filling

11) Carve Your Design

12) Display Your Pumpkin

Steps for Steel Bending

1) Plan Ahead: Early Involvement of Key Players, especially Your Bender/Roller.

2) Buy the Steel: Have Us Quote Your Job Labor + Material or Purchase Your Own Steel from a Service Center and Have it Delivered To Us

3) Select the Material that is Right for Your Job: HSSPipeTubeAngleChannelWide-FlangeI-Beam?

4) Pick the Size You Need: Use our Handy Calculators or refer to our quote indicating the lengths we require to successfully bend your project.

5) Work with the Engineer, Architect or Bender/Roller on the Project to Perfect the Design of the Curved Steel

6) We will Choose a Method for Bending Your Steel Based on Your Needs and the Application of the Product

7) We Bend Per Your Template and/or Drawings.

8) We have a 50,000 sq ft Shop with Ample Room to Handle Large Structural Projects and Smaller Repeat Orders.

9) We have the Right Tools with State of the Art Bending Equipment, Bend Dies, Fab Equipment and a QC Department.

10) No Need to Remove the Filling! We DO NOT fill your HSS with other Structural Members. We are able to Bend HSS Members WITHOUT adding extra Material and Weight.

11) Bend, Roll, Spiral, Fabricate, Form!!

12) Erect, Assemble & Display Award Winning Projects Featuring Curved Steel Members for the Steel Industry to See!