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Attend the NASCC Show 2017 in San Antonio, Texas to Learn Why You Should Specify Curved Steel on Your Next Project!

This year's NASCC Show: The Steel Show will take place March 22-24 in San Antonio, Texas at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. The Steel Conference is the place for engineers, fabricators, detailers and erectors to learn about structural steel design and construction, to interact with their peers and to see the latest products for steel buildings and bridges. Technical sessions and educational seminars are offered throughout the week in addition to the trade show. Albina Co., Inc. will be exhibiting and we are excited to share information on curved steel and why it is the better choice in architectural design. Just a brief glimpse on why you should specify curved steel on your next project:
  • Reduced Risk
  • Controlled Costs
  • Sensitivity to the Environment
  • An award winning project that stands out from the rest
R.O.L.L.-I.T. R: Recycled Material & Reduced Schedules O: On-hand & Odd Shapes L: Look & Laurels L: Less Labor Intensive & Lower Design Costs IT: Information Technology & Information Sharing: For more information, check out our "Why Curved Steel" information guide on our website and sign up for the NASCC Show today at