- Albina doesn’t split HSS prior to bending and then weld the sections back together to meet your needs, our HSS members are bent as HSS members.
- Albina doesn’t fill your HSS with other structural members. We are able to bend HSS members without adding extra material and weight and are still able to meet or exceed your quality requirements.
- Albina will bend your HSS stringers out of HSS material, we don’t make "built up stringers" out of plate.
Recently Completed or Active Projects:
- Spiral bent some ½" X 12" A36 Plate down to a very tight 1’ 9” Inside Radius. The bend was so complex that the customer didn’t think it was possible to spiral bend the material. In fact, the customer thought we had rolled cylinders and laser cut out the spiral sections.
- Just received another difficult Spiral bending project for some ½" X 14" A36 Plate. All material is to be bent to AESS standards, down to a 5’ 0” inside radius.Just spiral bent a project including stringers, handrails and mid-rails complete. The stringers were spiral bent out of C15 x 40# down to a very tight 5’ 2” plan diameter.
- Albina just finished another staircase project consisting of stringers and railing. The stringers were bent out of MC12 x 10.6# channel and bent to a 78” plan view radius.
- We were recently awarded a project to spiral bend TS 14" X 14" X .500" WALL A500 GR B material. Project is located in the Mid-West and is all AESS quality standards (bent down to a 22 ft. radius).